St Peter’s Sheep Trail

To take part in the Sheep trail search, all you need to do is find the names of the lost sheep in the various shop windows, community centres, or in St Peter’s Church, in the locations underneath, and write down the names along with the places you found them in. If you would like to … [Read more…]

Welcome to Rev Nigel Rostock

Reverend Nigel Rostock is delighted to be joining St Peter’s as Priest on a three-month secondment. He will be leading services, offering pastoral support, and hopefully getting involved in the community when that is possible. He is looking forward to getting to know everyone and building relationships among the community, so please do introduce yourself … [Read more…]

Thank you, and Goodbye to Keith and Ruth

Rev Keith Magee was our Vicar from March 2016 until October 2020. He and his wife, Ruth, have moved on to a new church and team ministry in Dorchester. We said goodbye together at a socially-distanced service on 25th October. We thank them, and God, for our time together. We pray for Keith and Ruth … [Read more…]

Chris Burch Plaque Dedication

Today, Sunday 30th September 2018, we welcomed Chris’s family  for the memorial plaque dedication in Chris’s memory at St Peters.  Officiating the service was our own Revd Keith Magee and Revd Helen Hayes.  The dedication  service remembered Chris’s achievements to the homeless and less fortunate in our society especially his assistance to  Helen in her … [Read more…]

Pancakes come early!

Pancake Day is usually on Shrove Tuesday, but at St Peter’s we like to be ahead of the game, so we had a pancake party on the Sunday before. We gathered in the vicarage kitchen, where we brought along our favourite fillings and tried new ones. Andy was busy at the stove, showing his skill … [Read more…]

An Easter Journey

Our thoughts over Easter were guided by Archdeacon Tim Stratford, as he took various events from the last days of Jesus and helped us become part of the story. Over the evenings of Holy Week, at our Agape meal on Maundy Thursday, and at the Easter Eve service we tried to share with Jesus and … [Read more…]

A Special Day

Wednesday 9th March marked an important occasion in the life of St Peter’s, as we were pleased to witness the collation of our new vicar, the Revd Keith Magee. Bishop Christopher led the service and installed Keith. During the service Keith was bestowed with the privileges and duties of the pastorate through the symbols of … [Read more…]

Welcome to Keith!

We are pleased to announce that the Reverend Keith Magee has been appointed as our new vicar. Keith comes to us from St Mary’s, Knighton, and will be installed at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9th March. Before his training at Westcott House, Cambridge, Keith had a variety of jobs ranging from bus driving to school teaching. … [Read more…]

God-speed Helena

The last Sunday in September marked the final service of our treasured curate, Helena, as she came to the end of her three years and three months wth us. It was an emotional time for both her and the church as she talked of her journey with us during the service. The sharing of the … [Read more…]

Coming to a pulpit near you…

the Rev. David Day, a visitor from New Zealand. David is coming to lead our services during October (as an incidental to the rugby World Cup!). In a sense, he’s coming home, as he was born on Saffron Lane in 1939 and worked in the footwear industry, which took him to Christchurch in New Zealand … [Read more…]

Chris and Roz’s last Sunday

It was a sad time when we had to say farewell to Chris and Roz, as Chris retires from our parish. In the morning, at our usual parish eucharist, both shared the sermon, reminding us of the achievements over the past years. In the afternoon we celebrated a special Choral Evensong, with the clerical choir, … [Read more…]

Easter at St Peter’s

Holy Week began on a rather damp day as we remembered the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. As usual, we began the service in the church hall, and then processed around the church to enter by the south door – one of the few occasions when it is used! As you can … [Read more…]

Mothering Sunday

The fourth Sunday in Lent is traditionally the day we particularly remember the love and care of our mothers. At our family service we thought about light and dark in two stories from the bible – the story of Moses being left in the bullrushes, and the conversation Jesus had with his mother when he … [Read more…]

People at St Boniface (and others)

I have just read the interview with Jack Lippitt. It brought many memories back of my growing up in Braunstone. I remember Mr. Gibbs, maybe because I was keen on the vicar’s daughter. I lived in Winforde Crescent but was minded by my grandma at No.7 Didsbury Street. I noticed that our main place of … [Read more…]

Bob writes from Canada …

I’ve been researching my family tree for about 4 years. I was very pleased to come across your web site as my ancestors are from Braunstone. My great great grandfather Frederick Topley married Sarah Ellis Oct. 14, 1851 in Braunstone, My great grandfather Edward Topley was born Jan. 7, 1856 in Braunstone and he later … [Read more…]

The Fat Controller visits St Peter’s

Our Autumn Fair and Model Railway Show was launched in a suitable manner by the Fat Controller, taking time off from Thomas the tank engine to welcome people on a bright November day to a delight of trains and tombola, bacon butties and bric-a-brac. In the church was a variety of wonderful railway layouts and … [Read more…]

The Bishop visits St Peter’s

A fine day in October was very special for some of our church family. The Bishop visited us to perform confirmations of five candidates: Marjorie, Sandie, Carla and John from St Peter’s, and Jacob from Holy Apostles – and the baptism of Kai, Carla’s son. It was a moving service, with Carla and John telling … [Read more…]

The Vicarage Garden Party

This year the vicarage celebrates its 150th birthday, making it one of the older buildings in Braunstone. The day was not too kind to us, with a mixture of rain and sunshine. But with the tents erected, we could shelter when we needed to. Despite the weather, there was plenty to do, and plenty of … [Read more…]

“I am the way…”

… was the theme of our recent all-age service, as we thought about what these words of Jesus meant. Helena guided the children along the way – in this case, a long rope – that led to God’s house and its many rooms. Along the way there were many distractions – do we chose the … [Read more…]