Our vision
Since 2006 we have had a Mission Action Plan which gives a shape to our vision, and guides our actions. We try to make it specific – it’s as important that we are helped to say “No” to something worthy but irrelevant (or impossible) as to say “Yes, now let’s get on and do it”.
The current MAP has five elements:
- Worshipping God
- Serving our Community
- Encouraging each other
- Drawing people to Jesus
- Keeping the show on the road
You can download the latest version of the Mission Action Plan. Follow the links above to see what we’re doing at the moment – or simply continue on to What we do.
The main governing body in a Church of England parish is the Parochial Church Council (PCC) which is made up of clergy, Readers, Church Wardens, Synod reps and other church members, elected each April at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
We are committed to welcoming and including children in our worship and church life. Children who come to the Sunday service are invited to go to a short Sunday School session during the service – they come back in time for the heart of the worship. Each January we hold a children’s party, with traditional party games (and a party tea) as well as disco dancing, etc. On Good Friday morning the children come and make our Easter Garden. Before Christmas we have a Craft event, when children and adults together make things, then take them into the church for the Crib Service. And each month we hold an all-age service, when adults and children worship God and learn together. We have worked hard on our Safeguarding policies, and do all we can to make St Peter’s a safe and happy environment for children to grow in.